Fire Department

Buffalo Fire Dept & Area Quick Response Unit, Inc.

Currently there are 29 active volunteer firemen on the roster. Officers consist of a chief, two assistant chiefs, secretary-treasurer, hazmat, vehicle maintenance, communications, equipment, safety and training. Though separate, the fire department houses the Buffalo Area Quick Response Unit. Two firemen are EMT Basic trained with nine others BLS certified.

The area's QRU includes members from Tower City and responds to calls in and around communities such as Embden, Alice, Ayr, and Absaraka. Formerly known as the First Responders, the squad became a state-certified, incorporated unit. This is of great benefit to all communities involved.

It is with great honor that we volunteer to serve our community and outlying areas. Through the years we have had overwhelming support from our community and greatly appreciate their acknowledgements of gratitude.

Tornado Siren - Warning Information 

The First Wednesday of each Month is the TEST of the City’s Tornado Siren. This will be a two minute constant audible tone performed at 1:00 pm, and conducted by The Red River Regional Dispatch Center in Fargo. If severe weather is imminent, the siren will be engaged electronically from The RRRDC.

In the event of a fire, The Buffalo Volunteer Fire Department will use the siren in an on/off audible tone, recycling several times as needed.

  Click the CodeRED sign up Link above to sign up for Alerts. 



If you are witnessing a crime in progress or are experiencing an emergency, please dial 911.
Fire Department

For more information on the Quick Response Unit, Click here. 

Click here to read about the BFD History

Group Members

Brian Steckler

Assistant Chief, Equipment Office and Vehicle Operations Officer
Ryan Zaun

President and HazMat Officer
Keith Biggers

Dalen Grieger

Austin Dahl

Training Officer and Communications Officer
Chuck Kasin

Building Maintenance Officer
Jim Jager

Safety Officer 
Flint Kasowski
